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Selected Publications, Writings, Papers

Conference Paper: ‘Somali Identities: Benadir Coast Urbanites’; Somali Studies 10th Triannual Conference, Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 16-18, 2007


Seminar Paper: ‘The ‘weli’ or Saint in Somali Banaadiri Islamic religious culture and the figure of Sheikh Aba as a member of the Banadiri ‘’ulama’; SOAS, London University, Nov. 2006.


Seminar Paper: ‘Urban culture in Somalia, with particular reference to the Reer Hamar of Mogadishu’; SOAS, London University Mar. 2006


Conference Paper: ‘Publishing for an Oral Culture in Diaspora’, University of Aalborg, Denmark, Sept. 2004


Journal article for Arts section in Rising East, the journal of the University of East London (Oct. 1998)


Consultant Report: Integration of Youth into National Development Programmes, East Africa Region, UNCSDHA Vienna, Feb. 1991


Conference Paper: 'Creating Conditions for Participation and Integration of Youth in Development Programmes' for UNCSDHA/OAU, Nairobi  Jan.1991


Consultant Reports: Staff Training Programme for National Council for Social Welfare and Development of Newsletter for National Council for Social Welfare, Somalia; UNSCDHA Vienna 1988 & 89


Seminar Paper: 'Integrating Women in Development: Some Issues to Confront'  ILO/Somali Ministry of National Planning Seminar, Mogadishu, 1989


Consultant Report: Design and Cost of Women’s Component to Integrated Rural Development Project, Middle Shabelle Region, Somalia, IFAD Rome 1988


Consultant Report: Training of Trainers for Decentralisation of Non-Formal Women’s Education Programme in the Baay & Bakool Region of Somalia, UNESCO, Paris 1986


Production of Curriculum Materials for Non-formal Women's Education in Somalia, for UNESCO and Family Life Programme, Somalia, 1986-87


Preparation of Outreach educational materials for the Foundation for Cross Cultural Understanding (FCCU), Washington DC, 1982


Daily preparation of foreign news stories for National Radio and Press, Somalia  (1965-1968)


Weekly columns in the Somali News, weekly newspaper over two years (1968-69)

Selected writings, publications, papers:


Conference Paper: ‘Somali Identities: Benadir Coast Urbanites’; Somali Studies 10th Triannual Conference, Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 16-18, 2007


Seminar Paper: ‘The ‘weli’ or Saint in Somali Banaadiri Islamic religious culture and the figure of Sheikh Aba as a member of the Banadiri ‘’ulama’; SOAS, London University, Nov. 2006.


Seminar Paper: ‘Urban culture in Somalia, with particular reference to the Reer Hamar of Mogadishu’; SOAS, London University Mar. 2006


Conference Paper: ‘Publishing for an Oral Culture in Diaspora’, University of Aalborg, Denmark, Sept. 2004


Journal article for Arts section in Rising East, the journal of the University of East London (Oct. 1998)


Consultant Report: Integration of Youth into National Development Programmes, East Africa Region, UNCSDHA Vienna, Feb. 1991


Conference Paper: 'Creating Conditions for Participation and Integration of Youth in Development Programmes' for UNCSDHA/OAU, Nairobi  Jan.1991


Consultant Reports: Staff Training Programme for National Council for Social Welfare and Development of Newsletter for National Council for Social Welfare, Somalia; UNSCDHA Vienna 1988 & 89


Seminar Paper: 'Integrating Women in Development: Some Issues to Confront'  ILO/Somali Ministry of National Planning Seminar, Mogadishu, 1989


Consultant Report: Design and Cost of Women’s Component to Integrated Rural Development Project, Middle Shabelle Region, Somalia, IFAD Rome 1988


Consultant Report: Training of Trainers for Decentralisation of Non-Formal Women’s Education Programme in the Baay & Bakool Region of Somalia, UNESCO, Paris 1986


Production of Curriculum Materials for Non-formal Women's Education in Somalia, for UNESCO and Family Life Programme, Somalia, 1986-87


Preparation of Outreach educational materials for the Foundation for Cross Cultural Understanding (FCCU), Washington DC, 1982


Daily preparation of foreign news stories for National Radio and Press, Somalia  (1965-1968)


Weekly columns in the Somali News, weekly newspaper over two years (1968-69)

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