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Anita's Blogs 

Anita's was an accomplished writer and narrator and in the next pages, we collected a series of her recent Blogs and thoughts. And a collection of photographs to illustrate her life journey from a childhood in North Yorkshire, to Leeds University, then Somalia, London, Brighton and her extensive travels worldwide.


Anita was passionate about art and surrounded herself with beautiful paintings in all her residences.




'I went to the highly acclaimed new Rembrandt exhibition, ‘Rembrandt – the Late Works’, at the National Gallery in London on 24/10/14. Breathtaking large canvases, predominantly portraits, dominate each of the seven rooms of the exhibition, flanked by many smaller drawings, prints and paintings...

...on his self portraits, remarkably, perhaps, the artist does not shy away from painting the lumps, bumps, increasingly sagging flesh, and the frizzled grey hair of his ageing years. The care-worn face looks straight at us, with no sign of pretence, vanity or self-obsession, seemingly inviting the viewer to penetrate to the character within.' 

To read all Anita's Blogs click on the link    




A message from Anita 

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